error autoimport from pokerstars

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error autoimport from pokerstars

Postby querogol » Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:14 am

i have the message
Fatal Exception: Unable to execute query: INSERT INTO player VALUES (0, 0, '[Split Pot]', '[Split Pot]', 0, 0, 0, FALSE);; Reason: Fatal Error (ERROR: invalid page header in block 291 of relation "player" )
2010/03/12 15:09:40:
when i begin the autoimport from poker stars
i receive the same message whem import from a mail or from a file
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Joined: Thu May 08, 2008 4:47 am

Re: error autoimport from pokerstars

Postby kraada » Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:34 am

There are two main reasons for this kind of error. The first is a result of data corruption from a computer crash that requires reindexing your database. You can reindex your database from the Database Management window - it may take a while but shouldn't take more than an hour or two unless your database is very large.

The second reason for this error is a result of faulty hardware. You can set PostgreSQL to ignore these errors by clicking Start --> Programs --> PostgreSQL --> Configuration Files --> Edit postgresql.conf. In the configuration file that appears, go to the bottom of the file and add the text “zero_damaged_pages = on” on a new line and then save and close the file. Click Start --> Programs --> PostgreSQL --> Reload Configuration and PostgreSQL will ignore the damaged data. If you continue to have problems with that hard drive, you should consider replacing it.
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