HUD Set up for HU SNGs

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HUD Set up for HU SNGs

Postby peyrolas » Sat Sep 26, 2009 11:35 am

hi all

i would like to have these stats in PT3 on the HUD. however i do not know how to program. can anybody help??

SB open raise / BB call / 3bet
cbet flop / cbet turn
fold to cbet / fold to turn bet
donk raised flop / fold donk bet to raise
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Re: HUD Set up for HU SNGs

Postby kraada » Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:56 pm

At heads up, SB open raise is the same as Attempt to Steal, so the only stat that isn't around by default is BB Call Raise.

To build BB call raise, click Configure --> Configure Statistics, choose the Holdem Cash Player Statistics section, go to the Columns tab and add a new column, call it cnt_bb_steal_call with the definition: sum(if[ holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_blind_b AND holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_blind_def_opp AND holdem_hand_player_statistics.cnt_p_call > 0, 1 , 0 ])

Save the column and go to the stats tab. Find Raise BB Steal Att and click on it then click the Dup button to duplicate it. Rename it Call BB Steal Att. Change cnt_bb_steal_raise to cnt_bb_steal_call in the Value Expression, change the description and the format tab and categories tab as appropriate. Save the stat and apply the changes.

Then to add these stats to your HUD, see the HUD user's guides on our documentation page.
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Re: HUD Set up for HU SNGs

Postby peyrolas » Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:31 pm

thanks for fast reply - however somehow i am stuck. two questions:

1. i am playing HU SNG not cash - still working? as i had to chose cash player stats
2. if above is yes - i did your changes in the stats, but cannot add it to the HUD as i cannot find the new item. can u help?
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Re: HUD Set up for HU SNGs

Postby the other mike » Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:25 pm

1. Click "Configure -> Stats" and choose "Holdem Tournament Player Statistics" before creating the stats;

2. After creating them click "Database -> Housekeeping", select your database and with at least the "Update Cache" box checked click "Begin" and wait for housekeeping to finish;

3. Click "Configure -> Configure HUD" and on the "Stats -> Stats" tab you will find your new stats (double-click them in the left-hand window and they'll pop over to the right; click "Apply" and "OK" to save it).

You might find this helpful too: (the "stats" parts, not "report" parts).

the other mike
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Re: HUD Set up for HU SNGs

Postby peyrolas » Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:47 pm

thanks...but what do i put into summary-type in the new column? does it matter?

anyhow ..when i try to save the column - this appears: you can only use cash database tables in cash sections..hmmm
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Re: HUD Set up for HU SNGs

Postby the other mike » Sat Sep 26, 2009 6:27 pm

After clicking "Holdem Tournament Player Statistics" on the "Sections" tab, click the "Columns" tab and "amt_bb_won" - note in the right-hand window how "holdem_hand_player_statistics.amt_won" is now "tourney_holdem_hand..." (if you switch back and forth with "Holdem Cash Player Statistics/amt_bb_won" you'll see what I mean).

Kraada's reply was presuming cash-game statistics since he didn't know this was for tournament play so you will want to modify his code with the "tourney_" prependage.

the other mike
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Re: HUD Set up for HU SNGs

Postby peyrolas » Sat Sep 26, 2009 6:43 pm

hi there i really appreciate your help.

however i got so far to enter the tourney_ stuff, but then i was pointed out to find "Raise BB Steal Att" which is not there in the list.

...other question. i just saw the standard stats field BB fold to SB steal . i could take this and just would see that the difference to 100% would be the calls which i wanted to set up . right?
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Re: HUD Set up for HU SNGs

Postby peyrolas » Sat Sep 26, 2009 7:30 pm

peyrolas wrote:hi there i really appreciate your help.

however i got so far to enter the tourney_ stuff, but then i was pointed out to find "Raise BB Steal Att" which is not there in the list.

...other question. i just saw the standard stats field BB fold to SB steal . i could take this and just would see that the difference to 100% would be the calls which i wanted to set up . right? EDIT - this is not working after trying it. hmmm

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Re: HUD Set up for HU SNGs

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:51 am

Use this as your column's expression:
sum(if[tourney_holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_blind_b AND tourney_holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_blind_def_opp AND lookup_actions_p.action LIKE 'C%', 1, 0])
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Re: HUD Set up for HU SNGs

Postby peyrolas » Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:34 pm

hi there - as i said in my post b4 - i did this. but then when i continue according to kraada i would need to do this:

Save the column and go to the stats tab. Find Raise BB Steal Att and click on it then click the Dup button to duplicate it. Rename it Call BB Steal Att.

however the Raise BB Steal Att. i cannot find this in the list.
Posts: 41
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