RFI from hijack custom stat

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RFI from hijack custom stat

Postby sean1i0 » Thu Sep 28, 2023 8:54 am

Hi everyone! This is my first time posting in the PT forums. I recently installed NoteCaddy and have been making custom definitions of stats by position for my HUD. So far, I've been able to get all of them to work except for the RFI from the hijack stat. When I do a "seek," I find nothing but successes, but when I entered a different hand to test, it detected neither an opportunity nor a success. My first question is, what should I post here to be able to get help? Are there certain screenshots that would be helpful? Thanks in advance for your help!
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Re: RFI from hijack custom stat

Postby nokaspokas » Thu Sep 28, 2023 2:50 pm

Hello sean1i0 and welcome!

The Hijack is the last middle position avaliable before the Cutoff depending on the max players at table. In a 6max table there is only one MP and as such it is always the hijack. In a 9max table there are 3 middle positions and we need to set up the definition to only select the MP 3 so it only select the Hijack.

It is hard to tell you what might be wrong without having a look at the definition you created.

You can either post a screenshot while editing the definition on the tabs "general" and "action sequences" of the preflop tab. Or attach here the definition you created and I will have a look myself.

The "default definitions" pack has a "OpenRaiseMiddle" definition that is the standard for RFI MP. It accounts for all 3 MPs in a 9max and for the only MP in a 6max table. Editing that definition to just use the MP3 in the "Preflop" "general" tabs should work for what you are trying to do. Comparing this one to your definition can also help understand what is wrong with yours.

Let me know how it goes,

Best wishes,

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Re: RFI from hijack custom stat

Postby sean1i0 » Thu Sep 28, 2023 5:24 pm

Okay, thanks! I've added two pictures of my definition. I was calling it "Under the Gun +1" since it literally is the next person, but maybe the issue is I should be using one of the middle positions? Should I just use the first one? (Sorry, I forgot to mention that this is for 6-max.)
pf-hj-rfi 2.PNG
pf-hj-rfi 1.PNG
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Re: RFI from hijack custom stat

Postby nokaspokas » Fri Sep 29, 2023 10:05 am

Hello again,

In short you are counting the positions in the wrong order. Always start from the Big Blind to the right. This is exactly because the max players at a table can change. A game can grow from 4 to 10 or go from 10 to 4 players and will always need the Big Blind.

The definition I suggested will work only for the Hijack in a 6max table since there is only one MP in that table size. BB ; SB ; BTN ; CO ; MP (hijack) ; EP. Even if it has marked to use the three avaliable MPs for a 9max table.

Only if we wanted the speciic stat RFI Hijack on a 9max table we would need to edit that definition to only use the MP3 position.

In your specific definition change the Under the gun for the MP3 position and you should have a definition only for Hijack as you wanted :)

Hope this helps you understand how to look at the positions when editing the definitions and where to start counting them. Always start from BB!!

Best wishes,

Posts: 91
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