New Release: 4.14.27

Questions and discussion about PokerTracker 4 for Windows

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New Release: 4.14.27

Postby APerfect10 » Fri Aug 07, 2015 12:28 pm

PokerTracker 4.14 Release Notes - August 7, 2015

  • Hud: FullTilt: Added HUD support for new cash game tables that re-use the same table name.
  • Import: iPoker: Added support for upcoming release of the new iPoker client to auto-detect client installation and hand history locations.
  • Import: 888: Added support for the release of the new 888 poker client to correctly detect hand history locations.
  • Import: Generic Tournament Summaries: Added prize pool information to exported tournament summaries*
  • Tourney Results: Added the ability to edit tournament prize pools in the tournament results editor.
  • Hud: FullTilt: Added 3-max, 4-max and 5-max support for preferred seating the ability to treat any table as a 3, 4 or 5-max table via “Treat As”.
  • Hud: FullTilt.DK: Added support for Rush
  • Hud: partypoker.FR: Added support for 8-max tournament tables
  • Hud: WPN: Added support for Spanish skins on the Winning Poker Network
  • TableTracker: Added a new stake: $75/$150 FL
  • Settings: iPoker: Auto-Center is now defaulted to “On” to match the iPoker default.
  • Reports: Sorting: Improved stake sorting to group by table size and type.
  • Replayer: Preferred seat set in the Replayer will now only affect the preferred seat in the Replayer and not for the site.
  • Reports: My Reports: My report names are now sorted alphabetically.
  • Hud: 888: HUD: not displaying for Omaha tournament tables labeled “Table #1”
  • Hud: Party: fastforward ignoring players with 4 character names
  • Hud: Party: fastforward: HUD not displaying for Hero when first to act
  • Hud: PokerStars: Table Detection: HUD not detecting and displaying for a PokerStars SCOOP tournament.
  • Hud: Table Detection: HUD not detecting and displaying for a Major Sunday tournament.
  • Hud: FullTilt: improve player detection to reduce bad players during tournaments
  • Hud: FullTilt: Rush HUD: Fixed support after June 9th client update
  • Hud: WPN: Table Detection: HUD not finding and displaying for WPN heads-up tournaments
  • Hud: PokerStars: Zoom: Improved player detection for 2015 VIP statuses
  • Hud: PokerStars: Zoom: Improved player detection for players with 2015 VIP badges
  • Hud: 888: Table Detection: HUD not displaying for 10-max SNG’s due to mismatched hand history and window name.
  • Hud: 888: Table Detection: HUD not displaying for SNGs with buy-in in the window title
  • Import/Stats: Hand Strength: Fixed straight flush hand strength*
  • Import/Stats: Hand Strength: Fixed four of a kind hand strength*
  • Import/Stats: Hand Strength: Fixed incorrect strength 7 for full house*
  • Import/Stats: Hand Strength: Fixed incorrect strength 3 for Omaha full house*
  • Import/Stats: Hand Strength: Fixed 4 of a kind hand strength that was incorrectly including the kicker causing strength errors*
  • Import/Stats: Hand Strength: Fixed hand strength incorrectly set when a hole card pair is lower than a board pair. Now correctly set as 0*
  • Import/Stats: Fixed donk bets not counted with multiple aggressions on previous street*
  • Import: 888: HHV & Replayer: Fixed hands not displaying when a player “opts out of blind”.
  • Import: Omaha: Fixed flg_r_full_house being incorrectly set when the river was not seen*
  • Import: Gtech.IT: support HH changes for villain hole cards
  • Import: Gtech.IT: support added for Omaha Hi-Lo and Pot Limit
  • Import: FullTilt: PLO: Fixed ante Run-It-Twice hands not importing*
  • Import: FullTilt: Rush (Play money): Fixed cash play money hands incorrectly importing as tournament hands*
  • Import: 888: Fixed import to properly hand early 'fold' lines which are players sitting out*
  • Tournament Detect: PokerStars: Spin&Go: Fixed detected prize pools not being updated once the summary (official results) were written*
  • Import/ICM: Allow ICM stats to be calculated even if there is no hero*
  • Import/Equities: Fixed val_equity so that it is set when the player goes all-in rather than the final all-in*
  • Import: Full Tilt: Improved hand history directory detection with latest Full Tilt client release.
  • Import: partypoker: Fixed errors on Mac OS X with hands played in Euro’s*
  • Import: Fixed manual import failing with a large number of hand histories.
  • Import: Fixed position of SB players who are all-in with their ante post incorrectly being labeled as EP*
  • Import: WPN: Fixed importing of hands for players with a tilde (~) in their name*
  • Import: WPN: Fixed importing of WPN .txt hand histories where the win data was incorrect*
  • Import: FullTilt: Rush: Fixed the HUD not displaying on some 6-max Rush tournaments that are not labeled as 6-max.
  • Import: PokerStars Audit: Fixed Audit files importing and changing the tournament currency and other incorrect values*
  • Import: iPoker Beta: Fixed rake calculations due to incorrect bet attribute amounts*
  • Import: iPoker Beta: Fixed tournaments incorrectly importing as cash*
  • Tournament Detect: PokerStars: Bounties: Fixed wrong number of bounties for some tournaments
  • Tournament Detect: PokerStars: Rebuys: Fixed incorrect rebuys for tournaments when entered late and rebuy on first hand.
  • Tourney Results: Increased size of "Clear All Places" and “Clear All Prizes” buttons on Mac OS X.
  • Reports: Filters: Fixed issue that required clicking the 'New' button prior to ‘Save’ after deleting the last remaining filter.
  • Reports: Fixed error on the Tournament Buy-in report when drilling down due to customization of the report stats changing the first stat displayed.
  • Reports: Filters: Fixed the hyperlink color that lost its color when restarting PokerTracker.
  • Reports: Export: Fixed exports which were not including the first column/stat.
  • Graphs: Global Post Flop Ranges: Fixed query error due to badly generated SQL.
  • Graphs: Post Flop Ranges: Fixed to display only hands made on the actual street are displayed not the final hand.
  • Graphs: Filters: Enabled filters on the Global Post Flop Ranges graph where the data was filtered but the filters were disabled and inaccessible.
  • Graphs: Global Player Statistics: Fixed stats displaying with zero opportunities.
  • Graphs: Global Game Statistics: Fixed Winning Hands at SD that was incorrectly including non-SD hero hands
  • MPN: Improved import performance of exported HM2 Microgaming hands.
  • ICM: Fixed ICM errors with two players who have the same name but different case
  • NoteTracker: Removing the {cardrange} variables should remove the hole cards filter
  • Filters: Fixed ‘NOT Ante-Up’ filter to properly support TRIPLEUP, ANTEUP, LOTTERY & FLIPOUT filters
  • Currency: Currency conversion window now properly displays currencies across both Cash and Tournament currencies.

Additional Notes:
* This update will only affect newly imported hands, to apply this change retroactively please re-import any hand that would be affected by this issue. We do not advise reimporting your database unless it is absolutely necessary for compliance.
*Due to a change in PokerTracker 4 version numbering system, users cannot revert to versions of PT4 prior to 4.13 without risking the loss of all customizations such as HUD profiles, reports, and custom stats.
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New Release: 4.14.1

Postby APerfect10 » Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:50 pm

PokerTracker 4.14.1 Release Notes - August 31, 2015 (Windows Only)

  • Hud: PokerStars: Zoom: Updated to work with PokerStars client changes and to support the new format that broke 2NL & 5NL Zoom tables and will be rolled out to all stakes on September 1st
  • Tournament Detection: Merge: Corrected Merge 6-max STTs payout structure.
  • Filters: Global Post Flop Ranges: Re-enabled filters on the Global Post Flop Ranges graph that were incorrectly disabled.
  • Import: PokerStars: Fixed importing of PokerStars tournament summaries for players with brackets [ ] in their names
  • Tournament Detection: partypoker: Improved bounty detection when importing partypoker tournaments.
  • Import: 888: Fixed 888 tables with the same name but different stake importing as the same session.
  • Replayer: Omaha Equity: Fixed equity error for replayed Omaha hands
  • Reports: Export: Fixed text inside of braces { } not being included in exported reports.
  • Import: Tourn. Net Adjust Results: Further improved calculating net adjusted results for tournaments when the final hand of the tournament imports after the tournament results are imported.
  • Import: PokerStars: Fixed PokerStars invalid hand import error caused by an invalid pot where an uncalled bet is not removed from the calculated pot total.
  • ICM: Fixed 'My Currency' ICM stats broken in a previous release.
  • Reports: Edit Tournament Results: Fixed tab order for "Rebuy Minutes" so that the tab button moves to the next window below.
  • Logging: Improved identification of Windows 10

  • Replayer: Preferred Seat: When configuring a preferred seat in the replayer, preferred seating is automatically enabled.

IMPORTANT Installation Instructions:
On the first run, you must start the PokerTracker import (Get Hands While Playing) BEFORE you launch PokerStars. If PokerStars is open, you must close PokerStars, start the import and then open PokerStars before Zoom will function properly. If the Zoom HUD is not displaying after doing the above, please uninstall PokerStars and re-download and install PokerStars as the PokerStars installation is more than likely corrupted which we are unable to fix and a PokerStars reinstall should resolve the issue.

Release Candidate Installations
If you installed one of the 4.14.1 release candidates, the version number is the same and you will not be notified of the new version being available. You must download and install the 4.14.1 release again to obtain the stable version.
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Posts: 4465
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Re: New Release: 4.14.2

Postby APerfect10 » Thu Sep 03, 2015 10:14 am

PokerTracker 4.14.2 Release Notes - September 03, 2015 (Windows Only)

  • Hud: PokerStars: Zoom: Fixed support for NL16 which was broken in the initial 4.14.1 release
  • Hud: PokerStars: Zoom: Added work-around to PokerStars bug where the PokerStars client would not start if a config file was encoded UTF-8
  • Hud: PokerStars: Zoom: Added support for PokerStars.FR, PokerStars.IT and PokerStars.ES Zoom tables.
  • Hud: PokerStars: Zoom: Fixed session stats (such as Hero's HUD) only displaying on the first Zoom table.
  • Hud: PokerStars: Zoom: Other minor fixes.

IMPORTANT Installation Instructions:
On the first run, you must start the PokerTracker import (Get Hands While Playing) BEFORE you launch PokerStars. If PokerStars is open, you must close PokerStars, start the import and then open PokerStars before Zoom will function properly. If the Zoom HUD is not displaying after doing the above, please uninstall PokerStars and re-download and install PokerStars as the PokerStars installation is more than likely corrupted which we are unable to fix and a PokerStars reinstall should resolve the issue.
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New Release: 4.14.3

Postby APerfect10 » Thu Sep 10, 2015 3:57 pm

PokerTracker 4.14.3 Release Notes - September 10, 2015 (Windows Only)

  • Hud: PokerStars: Zoom: Auto-center is now used even if the option is disabled to match PokerStars behavior. This issue was causing several users to not have stats displaying over the correct seat.
  • Hud: PokerStars: Zoom: Added detection for table names Delta Antliae and Delta Boötis
  • Import: Merge: Compensate for square bracket mismatch in OPS tourney which was resulting in an out of memory error when importing these tournaments.
  • Import: Merge: Improved tournament detection to detect buyin and bounty.

IMPORTANT Installation Instructions:
On the first run, you must start the PokerTracker import (Get Hands While Playing) BEFORE you launch PokerStars. If PokerStars is open, you must close PokerStars, start the import and then open PokerStars before Zoom will function properly. If the Zoom HUD is not displaying after doing the above, please uninstall PokerStars and re-download and install PokerStars as the PokerStars installation is more than likely corrupted which we are unable to fix and a PokerStars reinstall should resolve the issue.

Mac OS X Users
I realize that there have been a lot of Windows only releases over the past two weeks. We have not forgotten about you and we will be releasing a new Mac OS X version next week with some goodies! :)
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New Release: 4.14.4

Postby APerfect10 » Wed Sep 16, 2015 1:57 pm

PokerTracker 4.14.4 Release Notes - September 16, 2015

Note: Mac OS X 4.14.4 includes all fixes in the Windows only v4.14.1, 4.14.2 & 4.14.3 releases.

  • Mac OS X PokerStars Zoom Support!
  • Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan support for upcoming Mac OS X release.

  • Import: PokerStars: Fixed Access Violation crash when clicking Play Poker -> Get Hands While Playing or in Setup Assistant.
  • Hud: Zoom: Improved support for when Zoom HUD suddenly stops working mid-session.
  • Replayer: Fixed ante's that were not displaying when chips were displayed in BBs.
  • Import: 888: Fixed a player leaving before a hand finished as going to showdown.
  • Tournaments: HUD: WPN: Fixed manually selecting a table for HUD not attaching properly.
  • Tournaments: Party: Fixed hero getting added twice: once for hero name and once for site name.
  • Import: Statistics: Fixed heads-up donk bets stat so that if there is a prior aggressor the donk bet opportunity no longer exists.

IMPORTANT Installation Instructions:
On the first run, you must start the PokerTracker import (Get Hands While Playing) BEFORE you launch PokerStars. If PokerStars is open, you must close PokerStars, start the import and then open PokerStars before Zoom will function properly. If the Zoom HUD is not displaying after doing the above, please uninstall PokerStars and re-download and install PokerStars as the PokerStars installation is more than likely corrupted which we are unable to fix and a PokerStars reinstall should resolve the issue.
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Posts: 4465
Joined: Sat Dec 08, 2007 6:03 pm

New Release: 4.14.5 (OS X only)

Postby APerfect10 » Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:10 pm

PokerTracker 4.14.5 Release Notes - September 23, 2015 (Mac OS X Only)

  • HUD: PokerStars Zoom: Added Zoom support for PokerStars country specific sites
  • Import: 888: support for native card syntax for and TowerTorneosPoker

  • HUD: Fixed non-primary monitor positioning of the HUD that was introduced in the 4.14.4 release.

IMPORTANT Installation Instructions:
On the first run, you must start the PokerTracker import (Get Hands While Playing) BEFORE you launch PokerStars. If PokerStars is open, you must close PokerStars, start the import and then open PokerStars before Zoom will function properly. If the Zoom HUD is not displaying after doing the above, please uninstall PokerStars and re-download and install PokerStars as the PokerStars installation is more than likely corrupted which we are unable to fix and a PokerStars reinstall should resolve the issue.
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Posts: 4465
Joined: Sat Dec 08, 2007 6:03 pm

Re: New Release: 4.14.6

Postby Josh » Mon Sep 28, 2015 6:53 pm

PokerTracker 4.14.6 Release Notes - September 28, 2015

  • PokerStars.DESH: Added support for Pokerstars.DESH client.
  • 888: Added support for and TowerTorneosPoker hand history language.

  • Equity Calculator: PokerStars/Full Tilt: Disabled while PokerStars and Full Tilt are running to follow new rules.
  • HUD: PokerStars/Full Tilt: Only three conditions are now used when coloring HUD stats for PokerStars/Full Tilt due to new rules. The first two are user defined and the third is a catch-all default color.
  • Site Configuration: PokerStars: Auto-Center is now the default option to match PokerStars deafult.

  • Replayer: Fixed crash that occurred when using older replayer themes.
  • Fixed crash on Win8 & Windows 10 when right-clicking the PT4 icon on the task bar.
  • Import: Merge: Fixed players sitting out mid-hand as going to showdown.

Zoom First Run Instructions:
On the first run, you must start the PokerTracker import (Get Hands While Playing) BEFORE you launch PokerStars. If PokerStars is open, you must close PokerStars, start the import and then open PokerStars before Zoom will be configured and function properly. This only needs to happen the first time that Zoom is configured on your system. Subsequent runs can be launched in any order. If the Zoom HUD is not displaying after doing the above, please uninstall PokerStars and re-download and install PokerStars as the PokerStars installation is more than likely corrupted which we are unable to fix and a PokerStars reinstall should resolve the issue.
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New Release: 4.14.7

Postby APerfect10 » Wed Oct 14, 2015 10:57 am

PokerTracker 4.14.7 Release Notes - October 14, 2015

  • HUD: PokerStars Zoom: Added play money support for new Zoom format.

  • Zoom support now defaults to on for both Windows and Mac OS X.

  • Table Detection: partypoker: Improved support for DanskeSpil table names.
  • HUD: PokerStars Zoom: Improved performance to prevent Zoom HUD getting stuck.
  • HUD: PokerStars Zoom: Fixed some player names not updating due to recent PokerStars update.
  • Replayer: 888: Improved table size detection to match 888 table size.
  • Replayer: Fixed crashes when opening the hand replayer

Zoom First Run Instructions:
On the first run, you must start the PokerTracker import (Get Hands While Playing) BEFORE you launch PokerStars. If PokerStars is open, you must close PokerStars, start the import and then open PokerStars before Zoom will be configured and function properly. This only needs to happen the first time that Zoom is configured on your system. Subsequent runs can be launched in any order. If the Zoom HUD is not displaying after doing the above, please uninstall PokerStars and re-download and install PokerStars as the PokerStars installation is more than likely corrupted which we are unable to fix and a PokerStars reinstall should resolve the issue.
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Posts: 4465
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Re: New Release: 4.14.8

Postby APerfect10 » Tue Dec 22, 2015 12:59 pm

PokerTracker 4.14.8 Release Notes - December 22, 2015

  • Winamax: support for 8-max tables

  • PokerStars: Zoom: Fixed PokerStars.DESH detection for Zoom configuration
  • Import: WPN: Compensate for WPN hand history bug by allowing import of hands that contain missing hole card lines.
  • Table Detection: party.nj: Fixed HUD not appearing on some party.nj GSSS tournaments
  • Import: PokerStars: Fixed cards/equities for players with "Seat n" in their name.
  • Tournaments: Fixed high stakes tournaments with no data being displayed in small stakes license
  • Import: GTECH: Fixed importing so that villain hole cards (if known) get imported properly.
  • HUD: PokerStars: Fixed some player name encoding issues
  • HUD: Fixed crash from a minimized table popping up into the foreground
  • OmahaRangeSelect: Fixed Range% that was overvaluing straight draws.
  • Tournament Detection: Winamax Expresso buy-ins are not set correctly during auto import
  • Hotkeys: Fixed hotkeys in the database management window which were not working correctly
  • Reports: Export: Removed extra column from exported player reports
  • Edit Tournament Results: Added visual support for currency in the "Edit Tournament Results" window with a new combobox and "Game Currency" stat.

Zoom First Run Instructions:
On the first run, you must start the PokerTracker import (Get Hands While Playing) BEFORE you launch PokerStars. If PokerStars is open, you must close PokerStars, start the import and then open PokerStars before Zoom will be configured and function properly. This only needs to happen the first time that Zoom is configured on your system. Subsequent runs can be launched in any order. If the Zoom HUD is not displaying after doing the above, please uninstall PokerStars and re-download and install PokerStars as the PokerStars installation is more than likely corrupted which we are unable to fix and a PokerStars reinstall should resolve the issue.
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New Release: 4.14.9

Postby APerfect10 » Tue Feb 23, 2016 8:27 pm

PokerTracker 4.14.9 Release Notes - February 23, 2016

  • Mac OS X support for Americans Cardroom client.
  • iPoker: Preliminary support for new "Six Plus Holdem" game.
  • PokerStars: "StarsCoin" tournaments are now supported.

  • Import/Currency: PokerStars: StarsCoin tourneys now import as "SC" and no cash value.
  • iPoker: Changed "Speed Poker" support for new iPoker clients being rolled out.*

  • Import: WPN: Import errors with "cap" action in WPN Mac OS X hands.
  • Import: WPN: Import errors with partial tourney histories with Mac OS X hands
  • Import: WPN: Improved "Play Money" support.
  • Import: Full Tilt: Fixed Small Stakes license not allowing tournaments that are under the stake but with no fee.
  • Import: Winamax: Prize pool not set for losing Winamax Expresso tournaments
  • Import: Winamax: Tournament tables now default to 10-max
  • Import: partypoker: FastForward: Fixed stakes when locale uses commas instead of decimals
  • Import: 888.NJ: Improved 6-max detection.
  • Import: partypoker: Fixed some second hands not importing after the first anonymous hand
  • Import: Microgaming: Fixed hands from 2011-2013 that errored with pre-flop rake.
  • Import: Full Tilt: Fixed import error for some hands with multiple split pots
  • Import: Winamax: Fixed win total errors for uncalled bets.
  • Import: 888: Fixed tournaments importing as a 0 buyin when there was no fee.
  • Import: Pokerstars: Repeated error with HM generated observed PokerStars hand histories
  • Import: PokerStars: Added support for upcoming hand history change
  • Hud: Allow WPN tournament HUD even if the tournament number isn't in the window title
  • Table Detect: partypoker (DanskaSpil): Fixed tournament table detection problems due to name mismatch
  • Table Detect: partypoker: Fixed table detection for Special tournament tables
  • Equity Calculator: Stop button is now displayed when equities are being calculated so that you can stop the calculation.
  • Replayer/Video: Fixed amount won in chat to display in BB's when set to BB's

* This release adds support for the new iPoker client. At this time, not all iPoker sites have been updated to the new client. If your site has not been updated, wait to upgrade to PT4 v4.14.9. Only upgrade to v4.14.9 after your iPoker site has moved to the new client otherwise "Speed Poker" will not work. (If you already upgraded, you can temporarily downgrade to v4.14.8 without any issues.
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