Notes/badges not appearing

NoteCaddy for PokerTracker 4. Information is power!

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Re: Notes/badges not appearing

Postby nostrakhan » Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:34 pm

rdynor wrote:Hi nostrakhan,

No change after resetting notes a few times. Badges still appear simultaneously with the opposite versions, and the player overview is still just the scatter.

Hi rdynor,

You may want to try resetting your NoteCaddy settings to factory defaults, to see if it solves the issue:

*Resetting PT4 NC Settings Back To Factory Defaults*
1. Close PT4 and navigate to: C:\Users\[WindowsUsername]\AppData\Local\PokerTracker 4\Data\AppsData\Tm90ZUNhZGR5.
2. Make a backup of the .xml files (copy/move them somewhere else on your pc).
3. Delete the .xml files from the directory in step 1.
4. Restart PT4, go into NoteCaddy and adjust your settings as you prefer again (File → Settings).
5. If you use Color Definitions, then import the ColorDefinitions.xml that you backed up from step 2, into NoteCaddy → Tools → Import Color Definitions.
6. Reset and reprocess the notes (File → Reset Notes).

Also, please be sure that your PT4 is updated to the latest release: ... .15.29.exe
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Re: Notes/badges not appearing

Postby rdynor » Fri Apr 09, 2021 10:05 pm

Hi nostrakhan,

Circling back about this. I have tried resetting NC to defaults by deleting the data folder, along with doing a fresh reinstall by deleting both the data folder and the app folder, and resetting notes. There is no change the issues that I am having on either the previous version ( or the current one ( There are bigger issues going on with, but it seems that you have already replied about those issues in other threads.
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Re: Notes/badges not appearing

Postby qbryguy » Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:57 pm

I cant get scatteroverview to show up on my hud anymore or a nc stat. It used to work and ive reset my notes a few times. I also get this when trying to process new hands and it just stays on that number even though ive processed them all. any advice?
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Re: Notes/badges not appearing

Postby nostrakhan » Tue Apr 13, 2021 10:01 pm

We should have an update today or tomorrow and hopefully that will resolve these issues.
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Re: Notes/badges not appearing

Postby rdynor » Wed May 19, 2021 7:29 pm

The app breaking issues that were in and (non stop note taking, missing app) have been fixed in, but the issues that I reported in this thread back in February still remain with the latest version. No change after resetting notes, either.

The last version that worked was the version before
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Re: Notes/badges not appearing

Postby nostrakhan » Fri Jun 04, 2021 10:46 pm

rdynor wrote:The app breaking issues that were in and (non stop note taking, missing app) have been fixed in, but the issues that I reported in this thread back in February still remain with the latest version. No change after resetting notes, either.

The last version that worked was the version before

Hi rdynor,

How did you get to v97 in PT4? I'm still on v96. v97 was just recently released on HM3, and should fix a lot of outstanding issues when it is pushed out onto PT4.
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Re: Notes/badges not appearing

Postby rdynor » Wed Jun 09, 2021 8:44 pm

nostrakhan wrote:
Hi rdynor,

How did you get to v97 in PT4? I'm still on v96. v97 was just recently released on HM3, and should fix a lot of outstanding issues when it is pushed out onto PT4.

Hi nostrakhan,

NC was updated to on May 19th. You posted yourself in this thread and others on that date saying that a new update had been released: ... 9&t=100484

It was updated again on Monday, June 7th to 2.9.983.0. The CaddyScatter hover bug that I reported back in February was fixed in this update, but the other issues that I reported in this thread still have not been. I have performed all of the troubleshooting steps that you recommended after every update.
Posts: 18
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