With the growing competence of the player pool, it's important to analyse the fine detail in how your opponents play. Often general statistics are just blind to these nuances. It used to be good enough just to see a players VPIP & PFR, and make judgement on them from that. Now at your average 6-max cash table, you will see 4-5 players with quite similar VPIP/PFR stats.
Our stat packs give you the level of detail needed for finding the edge in todays' tough games.
Flop Texture Pack | From $24.99
- 5 different flop textures - dry, wet, double suited, paired, monotone
- Broken down by number of players on the flop - heads-up, multiway
- Broken down by preflop actions - 2bet pot, 3bet pot
- Basic statistics - CBet & related, 3Bet Flop, Donk Bet, Float Bet
- Advanced statistics - Avg CBet Size, Avg All-In Equity, Won When Saw Flop
Click here for the full list of statistics.

Villain vs Hero & Hero vs Villain Pack | From $24.99
- 5 main groups of statistics - vs Hero Preflop, vs Hero Postflop, Hero vs Villain, Hero as Seen by Villain, as Hero vs Villain
- Preflop stats broken down by bet sizes - min raise, 2.5x raise, 3x raise
- Preflop steal stats broken down by position - CO, BTN, SB, BB, overall
- Postflop stats broken down by preflop action - 2bet pot, 3bet pot
Click here for the full list of statistics.

ProPokerHUDs - The tools that give poker players an edge in today's competitive games.