average stack for a player

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average stack for a player

Postby WaitWaitW » Sun Jun 18, 2017 5:41 am

hi guys.
I'm looking to do an average stack size for one player (to know if the stats I have on him are when deep or short) and a stat to see the % of time he has been dealt a hand with less than 100bbs

I have done amt_total_stack / cnt_hands with
amt_total_stack = sum(cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_before)
But for someone is always rebuying it gives me an average of 67bbs... whitch is impossible because he always begin a hands with 100bb+...

Could you tell me where is the problem? :)

for the other one (% of time he has been dealt a hand with less than 100bbs)
I have done ( cnt_not_full / cnt_hands ) * 100 with
cnt_not_full = sum( if[val_p_stack_size < 10, 1, 0] )
but I can't put it in my HUD it's not apearing... any idea why?

Thanks for the help !
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Re: average stack for a player

Postby Flag_Hippo » Mon Jun 19, 2017 5:24 am

To calculate that your stat needs to be in the format of sum(if[expression, then, else]) so for a players average stack in BB you can use this expression (the value of their stack in BBs is returned if their stack is greater than 0):

Code: Select all
sum(if[cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_before > 0, cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_before / cash_limit.amt_bb, 0])

For your second stat you can use this:

Code: Select all
sum(if[cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_before / cash_limit.amt_bb < 100, 1, 0])
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Re: average stack for a player

Postby WaitWaitW » Sat Jun 24, 2017 3:52 pm

thanks a lot !
Posts: 79
Joined: Fri Aug 03, 2012 4:21 am

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