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% jugadores con vpip >40%

PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 9:47 am
by plukhead
hola necesito ayuda para contruir una stats que me arroje el % de villanos que enfrente con VPiP mayor a 40%.por ejemplo,si en una muestra enfrente 1000 villanos y solo 200 de ellos tenian VPIP mayor a 40%,que la stat me arroje el numero "20".es posible?

Re: % jugadores con vpip >40%

PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 12:56 pm
by Flag_Hippo
I don't know of any method to acheive that. I am not saying it isn't possible but it's beyond my knowledge but if a PostgreSQL expert sees this then they might be able to offer some advice.