New Release: 4.09

Questions and discussion about PokerTracker 4 for Windows

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New Release: 4.09

Postby Josh » Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:46 pm

PokerTracker 4.09 Release Notes - June 27, 2013

Key Updates Summary:

  • IMPROVED: The new Table Selection tool is no longer an experimental feature, it has been revised thanks to the fantastic feedback from the PokerTracker community. The Table Selection tool will now appear to accurately place the HUD anytime the poker room does not provide unique table names! (This feature can be disabled by clicking Configure > HUD Options > Advanced > HUD Table Selection)
  • Import: Modify effective stack calculations in CAP game formats to respect the CAP, and assure that the text "CAP" is now included in the limit played at all sites
  • Database: An option to delay vacuuming the database after a purge has been added
  • Hand History Viewer: Hand histories that are copied to the clipboard have been revised to assure that they are only displayed up to the time of the hand
  • Stats: The 'My Currency Net Cost' stat has been removed due to duplication of functionality, please use the stat 'My Currency Cost' instead on any relevant custom reports if necessary
  • Table Selection: The HUD Table Selection tool has been revised thanks to user feedback, this is no longer an experimental feature
  • Import: GTech G2: Support for the new mini bad beat jackpot on 1BB tables, compensate for the 1c taken from the pot unreported to assure that the winnings are correct
  • Import: GTech G2: Fixed import errors that can occur due to straddles and hands with an extra small blind posted
  • Import: Full Tilt: Support changes that have been introduced to the Full Tilt tournament summary XLS (audit) files, including support for aliased names
  • Import: Full Tilt: Address import issues that resulted in improper Matrix tournament buy-ins and fees
  • Import: Full Tilt: Improved Rush tournament hand detection during auto-import to assure that remnant players will not appear in the HUD
  • Import: Full Tilt: Prevent import of non-supported 6-card Omaha hands
  • Import: Full Tilt: Prevent import of non-supported 6-card Omaha Tournament Summaries
  • Import: iPoker: Compensate for "0.xml" tournament hands by preventing the creation of multiple tournaments
  • Import: Merge: Allow Tournament Detection to trigger when playing the new Merge DON format SNGs
  • Import: Revolution: Fix to compensate for early endings in the hand when a "Player left the table" message appears
  • Import: Party: Compensate for extra spaces that are only in the Mac version of the Party Poker tournament summaries and other recently discovered text anomalies
  • Import: PokerStars: Alter the time recorded when importing PokerStars audit files to be fixed at Eastern Standard Time
  • Import: PokerStars: Address date errors in HORSE tournament hands (mixed game tournaments are not officially supported by PokerTracker, this is a patch to help those who use a non-supported method that provides duplicate results)
  • Import: PokerStars: Address date errors in "8-Game" tournament (mixed game tournaments are not officially supported by PokerTracker, this is a patch to help those who use a non-supported method that provides duplicate results)
  • Import: UB: Address an import error that could occur with legacy “pre-Cereus” Ultimate Bet hand histories when post flop raises are completed
  • Import: Winning Poker: Additional improvements for detection of various table naming formats that may contain an unexpected number of extra space characters in non-numbered tables
  • Import: Stats: Begin to populate the 'session.cnt_ttl_players_flop' database column during import, this column is not used by any default stats at this time
  • HUD: Barriere: Improve detection of table numbers in MTTs to assure that the HUD is attached to the table automatically after table changes
  • HUD: Microgaming: Experimental Table Selection features altered to improve support at Anonymous and Anonymous Heads Up tables
  • HUD: Winning: Improved HUD matching for scheduled tournaments and SNGs
  • HUD: Remove the warning sound that used to occur when there was an empty player popup request
  • HUD Table Detection: Fix table detection for Full Tilt Matrix tables
  • HUD Table Detection: Fix table detection for Full Tilt multi-entry tournaments
  • Backup/Restore: Change the folder to %TEMP% for temporary storage during backup or restore
  • Equity Calculation / Net Adjusted Winnings: Fixed an obscure equity issue that can occur with non-qualifying multi way showdowns
  • Filters: Incorporate UTC time zone adjustments to assure that the “This Year” filter matches the same time period when filtering for a full year using specific date filters.
  • Filters:Fix the "Flush Draw On" filter control so it no longer overlaps in the graphical user interface
  • Filters: Fix Omaha low draw strength filters
  • Filters: Added the text "and" to clarify the intention of the filter found at Hand Details -> Player Position -> Preflop
  • Filters: Improve the Cold Call 2Bet filter to assure removal of all cold calls when a 2Bet did not occur
  • ICM/Net Adjusted Winnings: Address a potential crash in the calculation of Net Adjusted Winnings if there are multiple allins with equal stacks in the main pot
  • Stats: Fix a typo in description for the 'Raise F Float Bet' stat
  • Stats: Alter the database column 'val_p_2bet_size' to improve the matching of raise threshold groupings specified in the description *** Database Cache Rebuild Required ***
  • Stats: Improve accuracy in the database columns ‘cnt_t_donk_face_raise ‘ and ‘cnt_r_donk_face_raise ‘used by turn and river Donk-Fold stats *** Database Cache Rebuild Required ***
  • Stats: Effective Stack: Dead small blinds (when posted) are no longer included when calculating Effective Stack Size.
  • Stats: Improved the detailed descriptions for ‘Game Currency Net Adjusted’, ‘My Currency Net Adjusted’, and ‘My Currency Net Cost’ statistics
  • TableTracker: Modified PokerStars table opening to compensate for changes made by PokerStars
Additional Notes
  • Due to the stat fixes and improvements in this release, a Database Cache Rebuild is required to assure that your database performs optimally when using any of the stats that were altered, fixed or updated
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Joined: Sat Dec 08, 2007 6:03 pm

Re: New Release: 4.09

Postby Josh » Mon Jul 01, 2013 5:51 pm

PokerTracker 4.09.1 Release Notes - July 1, 2013

Key Updates Summary:

  • IMPROVED: This release addresses a bug that was found to affect the "Today" filter by removing the date filtering changes that were introduced in 4.09
  • Table Selection Tool: Added the ability to save the table selection layout
  • Import: Full Tilt: Allow import of a new syntax found in 40x caped Omaha hands
  • Import: Low Draws: Improve the handling of low overdraws when an existing low hand has already been made
  • Import: Further improvements to adjust for dead small blinds (when posted) when calculating for the Effective Stack Size
  • HUD: Allow the 'Current cash stake only' HUD filter to function at FTP’s RUSH tables
  • HUD: Improve the scalability of the default font to address note editor separator issues
  • Database: Force the database to be Analyzed after a database Cluster has been performed to assure that the Clustering advantages are implemented
  • Filters: Remove changed to the UTC time zone adjustments added in version 4.09 which affected the “This Year” filter, further research is necessary before implementing this change
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Posts: 6222
Joined: Sat Dec 08, 2007 6:03 pm

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