New Release: 4.08

Questions and discussion about PokerTracker 4 for Windows

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New Release: 4.08

Postby Josh » Thu May 16, 2013 5:27 pm

PokerTracker 4.08 Release Notes - May 16, 2013

Key Updates Summary:

  • NEW: You can now define a preferred seat in the hand history replayer!
  • NEW: Run It Twice hands are now supported in the PokerTracker 4 Hand History Replayer and Viewers!
  • NEW: Omaha hand ranges can now be constructed in the equity calculator using wildcards!
  • NEW: We have added site configurations support for ZyngaPlus,,, and!
  • NEW: Omaha All-In Equity hand vs hand ties are now accounted for in all calculations, this addition is fully implemented in the Equity Calculator, All-In Equity calculation, ICM, and Net Adjusted Winnings calculation!
  • NEW: New low hand filters for Omaha Hi-Lo games have been added!
  • NEW EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE: The Table Selection window will now appear to accurately place the HUD anytime the poker room does not provide unique table names! (This feature can be disabled by clicking Configure > Hud Options)
  • HUD: Table Selection: New table selection window can appear when the HUD cannot be automatically placed, this tool will allow Microgaming, iPoker, and Winning Poker Network players to manually the HUD on the correct table when this occurs
  • HUD: iPoker: Support added for iPoker’s new Anonymous tables
  • HUD: MicroGaming: Support for new anonymous tables
  • HUD: PokerStars: Support for new auto center feature
  • ICM Quiz: Opponent Models can now be selected from within the ICM Quiz Parameters.
  • Filters: Added "Low" board filters for Omaha Hi-Lo games
  • Graphs: Personal Results by Time Period: Added “Winnings In” display options
  • Omaha Equity: Improve the calculation of hand vs hand ties in all equity calculations, including all-in Equity, Net Adjusted Winnings, and the Equity Calculator
  • Replayer: Preferred Seating now available in the Hand Replayer via the Options menu
  • Replayer: Added support to display both boards in “Run It Twice" hands at PokerStars and FullTilt
  • Site Configuration: Party: Added support for,,, and ZyngaPlus
  • Stat Editor: Added the ability to change the order of custom color conditions within a statistic using up/down buttons
  • System: System Configuration files are now pushed from PokerTracker’s servers and automatically installed, this feature can be disabled by selecting Configure > Options > Automatically Download Updates
  • Range Selection: Omaha: Added support for suit wildcard syntax using the’*’ character in the manual range editor: (AK)** = AK suited with any two cards, AKQJ = AKQJ any suits, (****) = 4 of the same suit
  • Setup Assistant: PT3 Conversion: Added a Tournament Detection checkbox option & help button to provide options during the conversion process
  • TableTracker: 888: Added support for $0.06 PL Omaha games at 888
  • Import: WPN: Generated hand histories now say "Winning" instead of "Yatahay"
  • Import: Change the import process to assume UTF-8 encoding by default, but fall back to the system locale encoding in the event of import failure
  • HUD: Optimize the database calls used in the HUD to speed up cached queries
  • HUD: 888: Include default HUD seating positions for the new 5-max tables at 888
  • Filters: Hand Details -> Win/Loss: Include text that better describes how to filter for BBs lost by using negative numbers
  • ICM/Net Adjusted: ICM Stats for SHOOTOUTs are now disabled when there is no way of knowing if the player is at a final table
  • Queries: Optimized SQL queries for hand reports that limit results by X number of hands (not applicable in all queries)
  • Registration: Restrict input in the registration code field to valid characters
  • Reports: Optimized the "By Month" filters within reports that are grouped by date
  • Reports: No longer allow the configuring of reports in the Currency, Export, or Purge windows to remove the risk of report problems in these specialized windows
  • Setup Assistant: Include options for configuration of Party Poker FastForward and OnGame Strobe games in the Setup Assistant
  • Stat Editor: Descriptive text in protected statistics, columns, and variables can now be selected and copied to the clipboard
  • Stat Editor: Place focus in the Search Field when opening the Stat Editor
  • Tourney Detect: Tournament Detection has been moved to its own dedicated process during auto-import to avoid blocking new hands from being processed
  • Tournament Editor: Include validation of the derived seat count to prevent corrupt tournament structures
  • Import: 888: Address an effective stack error that could occur when a player opts out of posting a blind
  • Import: Cereus: Address errors that could occur with returned antes and emailed ante hands in 7-2 games
  • Import: Full Tilt: Fix import error where the side pot could be awarded before action ends in some rare situations
  • Import: Full Tilt: CAP hands are not tagged correctly after the recent Full Tilt update
  • Import: Full Tilt: Prevent import of unsupported 5-card omaha hands
  • Import:GTechG2: Compensate for a change in the way that bet sizes are noted using “call to’ in GTechG2 hand histories
  • Import: GTechG2: Address Pot size errors that can occur with dead blind hands
  • Import: GTechG2: Compensate for syntax change in SNG hand histories which caused the hand to be imported as a cash game
  • Import: GTechG2: Compensate for GTechG2 payout oddity in tournaments, 1 chip is withheld from split pots when the pot is an odd number
  • Import: iPoker: Address issues that occur at Speed poker tables that use €0,04 (comma) currency local formats
  • Import: Merge: Compensate for previously undiscovered hand history errors in 2010 Merge limit hands
  • Import: MPN (MicroGaming): Compensate for missing table name data in the hand history which caused a "No tournament identifier found" error
  • Import: MPN (MicroGaming): Compensate for "Invalid player" import errors due to <cr> at the end of players name
  • Import: OnGame: Fixed import hang during import of OnGame hands from 2005
  • Import: OnGame: Added support for new format of emailed hands
  • Import: OnGame: Compensated for incorrect limit and incorrect hi-lo with emailed histories
  • Import: Party: Address import errors that occur in emailed hands from Party Poker
  • Import: Party: Compensate for errors in hands with players that have spaces in their name, and improve compensation for undeclared players
  • Import: Party: Solve an import hang that could occur when importing exported Party Poker hands that were processed originally using PokerTracker 2 and then exported into PokerTracker 3
  • Import: Party: Compensate for alternate side pot syntax from 2010 Party Poker hands which could result an incorrect amount won recorded
  • Import: Party: Address delays when importing Tournament hands at party poker which resulted in HUD refresh delays
  • Import: PokerStars: Compensate for double knockout issues where the place is incorrectly recorded in the hand history but both players advance to the next Step
  • Import: PokerStars: Add support for syntax changes found in audit files for tournaments
  • Import: Winning: Compensate for Daylight Savings Time by offseting the time by one hour when local time is in DST
  • Import: Winning: Address some scenarios in the new text hand history format where tournament hole cards did not import
  • Import: Compensate for scenarios where excessive tournament detection queries can affect import speed
  • Import: Address storage issues when importing the Euro symbol (€) on non-English / non-Western systems (e.g. Chinese)
  • HUD: Full Tilt: Fix a HUD bug that occurred at Rush tables after the recent FTP Update that affected the “Stats from Current Cash Stake Only” and the “Stats from Current Bet Type Only” filters
  • HUD: Full Tilt: Allow some tournaments with extra (parens) in the table title to be detected
  • HUD: Full Tilt: Address inconstancy in table window detection due to a missing comma after the tournament number and other abnormalities after the recent Full Tilt update
  • HUD: iPoker: Address a poker client crash that could occur when joining a waitlist while the SpeedPoker HUD is enabled
  • HUD: Party: Address HUD issues that can occur at the FastForward table named Velocity
  • HUD: PokerStars: Relax heuristic to improve detection of NL $10 6-max Zoom opponent, improved detection of specific player names & overall player detection at Zoom tables
  • HUD: PokerStars: Improve table detection in scenarios where the table name includes a dash
  • HUD: Fix the display of session stats when both 'everyone' and 'everyone but hero' groups are used in a HUD Profile
  • HUD: Address a rare scenario where if the timing is right, canceling a popup query can cancel the an adjacent query
  • HUD: Address a database query error that can occur when using multiple databases and a player has ‘(parens)’ in their user name
  • HUD: Improve session queries when using multiple databases
  • HUD: Fix to stop former player’s stats from displaying when the minimum hands HUD filter is in use
  • HUD: Mac: Fix an issue that could block the opening of a popup if a HUD group has 100% transparency
  • Calendar: Fix that allows the tournament calendar to change the secondary stat to ‘Tournaments’ in the event that the secondary stat has been previously changed
  • Crash Reporter: Improve handling of errors when uploading
  • Database Queries: Improve performance when joining to the database table ‘tourney_table_type’
  • Queries: Allow filtering to occur when using the database table ‘tourney_hand_summary’ in queries which also use the ‘tourney_results’ table
  • Queries: Improve performance when when calculating real minutes played by removing unnecessary joins in the ‘tourney_summary’ table
  • Equity Calculator: Address “random sampling exhaustion’ bug that occurs when "Display Ties" is enabled
  • Export: Names that contain quote marks are now “escaped” when exporting CSV files
  • Graphs: Personal Results: Fix 1-character Y-Axis labels caused by changes made in recent release
  • Graphs: Personal Results: Fix the cash game 'By Sessions' graph to group by sessions rather than by hands
  • Graphs: Optimize database queries used to display the Cash > Results > Overview > By Stake graph
  • Graphs: Mac: Address a crash that could occur when a graph has no results
  • Hand History Viewer: The “Mask Player Names” Copy Option is now respected in all clipboard format choices
  • HHV: Improved support for display of player names containing HTML/XML characters such as ">" or "<"
  • HUD Editor: Address a lockup that can occur in some situations when saving/loading profiles in the HUD editor while multitabling.
  • HUD Editor: Address numerous bugs that prevented the import of PT3 HUD Profiles, and stop allowing the import of non HUD profile files
  • HUD Editor: Fix issue that can occur where newly created HUDs might default to "Lower Opacity Until Mouse Over" without enabling that setting
  • ICM Net Adjusted: Force calculation of Net Adjusted Winnings for opponents in select 888 heads-up tournaments
  • ICM Quiz: Address a crash that could occur when "CUSTOM" is selected from Tournament Editor via the wrench button
  • ICM Quiz: Mac: Fix crash that occurred when adding new tournament structures within the quiz parameters
  • Mac OS X: Address crashes that might occur when logging out/shutting down the computer while PT4 is open in non-English language operating systems
  • Mac OS X: Address a crash that occurred when setting the font size to zero in the HUD Profile Editor
  • Mac OS X: Address a crash that occurred when using the time picker control
  • Notes: Fixed exporting and importing of players whose names contain backslashes
  • NoteTracker: Consider the “notes since” date while auto-importing when dates are set into the future to disable autonote creation
  • Purge: Vacuum the database to reclaim disk space after purging is complete
  • Quick Filters: The state of QuickFilters can now be saved if they included GBP stakes when the operating system is Russian or other non-English/Western locales
  • Range Selection: Address a bug that occurred when multiple rage selections were deleted
  • Replayer: Account for all aliased screen names when displaying lifetime stats for the Hero
  • Setup Assistant: OnGame: Fixed a date locale query bug that can occur when converting tournament IDs from PokerTracker 3 databases
  • Setup Assistant: Fix to allow PokerTracker 4 to read the PokerStars user seating preference
  • Stats: Fix the calculation of opportunities for 4Bet Preflop *** Database Cache Rebuild Recommended ***
  • Stats: Fix inaccuracy in probe stats & columns that only occurred in heads-up cash games and tourneys *** Database Cache Rebuild Recommended ***
  • Stats: Improve the calculation of ‘raise_facing’ and ‘bet_facing’ when facing an overbet *** Hand History Reimport Required ***
  • Stats: Fix the summary row for '5Bet+ Preflop' stat by changing the column 'cnt_p_5bet_opp' summary type changed from 'Count' to 'Sum' *** Database Cache Rebuild Recommended ***
  • Stats: Fix for Facing check-raise columns in heads-up only hands : ‘cnt_f_face_xr’, ‘cnt_f_face_xr_call’, ‘cnt_f_face_xr_fold’, ‘cnt_f_face_xr_raise’ *** Database Cache Rebuild Recommended ***
  • Stats: Correct the expression used in the tournament column ‘cnt_p_call’ *** Database Cache Rebuild Recommended ***
  • TableTracker: Fix PokerStars table opening
  • Tournament Detection: Detect end-of-tournament situations when live importing observed hands
  • Tournament Detection: Improve the use of Tournament breaks to help determine speed when detecting the tournament
Additional Notes
  • Due to the stat fixes and improvements in this release, we advise performing a Cache Rebuild to assure that your database performs optimally when using any of the stats that were altered, fixed or updated in this release
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Posts: 6222
Joined: Sat Dec 08, 2007 6:03 pm

Re: New Release: 4.08

Postby Josh » Fri May 17, 2013 5:26 pm

PokerTracker 4.08.1 Incremental Release Notes - May 17, 2013

  • Replayer: Added a new "Combine Folds" menu option
  • HUD: Table Selection: The experimental Table Selection feature has been disabled by default, users who wish to use this experimental feature can do so by clicking Configure > HUD Options > Advanced to enable
  • System: Allow incorrectly encoded Quick Filters to load if the file was saved from versions prior to 4.08
  • System: Recover non UTF-8 encoded values when possible in .cfg files
  • Tourney Detect: Address crashes that occurred due to divide by zero errors
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Posts: 6222
Joined: Sat Dec 08, 2007 6:03 pm

Re: New Release: 4.08

Postby Josh » Fri May 24, 2013 5:25 pm

PokerTracker 4.08.2 Incremental Release Notes - May 24, 2013

Key Updates Summary:

  • IMPORTANT: PokerTracker 4 will advise all users to perform a database cache rebuild after the application has run the first time after installation, this is necessary to implement the changes in this release that improve statistical accuracy. A database cache rebuild may take considerable time, please plan accordingly.
  • IMPORTANT: Due to changes made by Microgaming (MPN), we regret to inform you that Anonymous tables are only partially supported at this time. The experimental feature required to play at Microgaming Anonymous tables is still in development but it can be used by players who are willing to try this new feature. Please click HUD > HUD Options > Advanced and enable Allow Table Selection Dialong When Necessary. More information about this new feature is available by clicking Help > New Features in the PokerTracker 4 menu bar.
  • Import: Display a message when PokerTracker 4 is prevented from shutting down due to Tournament Detection in progress
  • Import: MicroGaming (MPN): Allow anonymous tables to import as unique sessions for each table played at the same time
  • Import: OnGame: Fix to accommodate OnGame exports from PokerTracker 3 played in 2009 which created an all-in on blinds error due to improper pot size notation with multiple winners
  • Import: Party: All the import of “missing hands” that contain two pots
  • Import: Winning: Fix to stop the text version of "Regular" HUSNG hand histories from incorrectly importing as a cash game
  • Import: Avoid crashes that could occur when shutting down while auto-import and background database queries are still running
  • Hud: Winning Poker: Allow the HUD to detect unnumbered cash game tables at Winning Poker to improve the player experience with the Table Selector enabled
  • ICM: Address a bug that affected Net Adjusted results when the all-in occurs between equal sized stacks that was introduced in 4.08.1 ***Manual Tournament Detection Required***
  • Hud: MicroGaming (MPN): Improve unique table detection for MPN anonymous tables
  • Hud: Address refresh bugs that can occur when table window titles are identical
  • Filters: Address filter query bug that occurred when filtering tournament hands with the Bet Type Simple Filter from the side bar
  • Stats: Fixed an inaccuracy that was introduced in 4.08 that affected the ‘cnt_t_probe’ database column in both cash games and tournaments *** Database Cache Rebuild Required ***
  • Stats: Assure compatibility of the flop float database columns with heads-up play *** Database Cache Rebuild Required ***
  • Stats: ‘4Bet+ Ratio’ has been modified to use the ‘4bet-opps’ database column *** Database Cache Rebuild Required ***
  • Stats: ‘WSD % After Call River’ has been modified to assure that showdown occurs in some multiway pot situations *** Database Cache Rebuild Required ***
  • TableTracker: PokerStars table opening
  • Tournament Detection: Address the potential for a lock up that could occur when shutting down auto-import while Tournament Detection is taking place
  • Tournament Editor: Fix a SQL error that was introduced in 4.08.1 that only affected users with a Small Stakes License
Additional Notes
  • Due to the stat fixes and improvements in this release, a Database Cache Rebuild is required to assure that your database performs optimally when using any of the stats that were altered, fixed or updated in this release
  • HUSNG players or anyone who may have encountered an all-in vs. an equal sized stack are advise to perform Tournament Detection manually to re-detect all tournaments which took place after May 14th 2013. In the Tournament Results editor filter for all tournaments that took place after May 14th 2013, then select Auto Detect.... Define the settings you prefer and then click Detect.
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Posts: 6222
Joined: Sat Dec 08, 2007 6:03 pm

Re: New Release: 4.08

Postby Josh » Fri May 31, 2013 5:13 pm

PokerTracker 4.08.3 Incremental Release Notes - May 31, 2013

Key Updates Summary:

  • IMPORTANT: PokerTracker 4 will advise all users to perform a database update, this is necessary to implement the changes in this release that improve statistical accuracy. A database update may take considerable time, please plan accordingly.
  • NEW: support is now available, this 888 skin is the first Nevada, USA poker site supported by PokerTracker!
  • Site: 888: Added auto-detection support for
  • Import: Gtech G2: Generated text hand histories are now defined as "GTech G2" instead of the former name which was "BossMedia"
  • Database: The database update window can now be minimized to improve the user experience while an update is taking place
  • Database: The descriptive text used in the database update window has been updated to better explain why an update is needed and what is to be expected during the update
  • Database: Clicking X to close the message asking if a database update should be performed now defaults to LATER instead of NOW
  • Database: Updated clustering of several tournament tables for performance optimization
  • HUD: PokerStars: Default positions are now available for 4-max tournament’s 5-max final tables
  • Import: Cereus: Address an import error that can occur due to split pot rake in old Cereus network hands
  • Import: MG: Adjust for a hand history syntax change which resulted in a "No tournament identifier found in hand" error by allowing parenthesis ( ) instead of the brackets [ ]
  • Import: Party: Compensate for undeclared new players arriving at a full table in the hand history before the old players leave
  • Import: Party: Address a possible “out of memory” crash that could occur when importing corrupt Party hands
  • Import: Party: Address import errors that could occur in old Party hands if players appear in the hand history when the player cannot take any actions in the hand
  • Import: WPN emailed: Recognize the file format changes for Winning text support hand histories sent via email
  • Import: Ultimate Bet: Address import errors that can occur with raked hands that are from pre-Cereus days for historical accuracy
  • Import: Alter the import status reporting so cancelled hands do not generate an error because this is an expected behavior
  • Import: Verify that Float turn and river database fields require a c-bet
  • HUD: Fix bug introduced in 4.08.2 that stopped Live Stats from updating if there is a minimum hands filter set for the HUD
  • Filters: Improve detection of the Turn Probe Bet filters
  • ICM Simulation: Fix the placement of the ICM Information box when Preferred Seating is enabled in the Replayer
  • Run it Twice: Improve the experience for Run It Twice hands in the Hand History Replayer, including equities for the second board and numerous cosmetic fixes such as smaller cards
  • Tournament Detection: Improve detection to better address the buyin/fee split for Party Poker 9-max $1 STT
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Posts: 6222
Joined: Sat Dec 08, 2007 6:03 pm

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