I was away from pokertracker for a couple of months.I play a decent amount of GGPoker's All in or Fold variant. I played a little last week, and imported the hands to pokertracker. I noticed that the stakes were now classified as $0.50 NL AOF (4 max) vs $0.50 NL (4max) previously. I wanted to have them both under one stake, so I went to Database -> Adjust stakes, selected all the $0.50 NL (4max) and changed them to $0.50 NL AOF (4max). This took a while, but completed eventually. Keep in mind that I mostly play $0.5, but I have a significant amount of hands in other stakes as well.
After the stakes were changed, I noticed that all the other stakes disappeared from the results/statistics/graphs, and the only stake remaining was $05 NL AOF (4max). The only stake I see is $0.5 NL (4max) AOF. I can see all the stakes I have if in the filters, but when I select one it does not load up anything/comes up empty. I did a full cache rebuild, vacuum&analyze, reindex, cluster. Nothing fixed the issue.
I can think that maybe ALL the stakes got changed to the one i mentioned before, but I am 99% that I selected the correct stake, as you have to select one anyway. Or for some reason the other stakes got hidden somewhere. Is there a way to trace back/reverse the actions so that I recover the data or am I screwed?
Does anyone have any ideas what I could try to fix this?
Unfortunately, I do not have a backup :/