Ipoker "rake/hand" errors

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Ipoker "rake/hand" errors

Postby DOMIATED89 » Sun Jun 30, 2024 1:59 am

In almost every cash game session a few hands have an error and cannot assign the rake. This means the hand does not import and makes results/winnings inaccurate. Why is this happening?
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Re: Ipoker "rake/hand" errors

Postby Flag_Hippo » Sun Jun 30, 2024 5:51 am

If cashout was used by any player in these hands then they are not possible to support accurately due to the lack of rake in iPoker hands. I understand that iPoker will be adding cashout fee/rake to these hand histories and when that rolls out we will update PokerTracker 4 to support these hands. If you wish to be notified when that is available you can do so by opening a Support Ticket.
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Re: Ipoker "rake/hand" errors

Postby DOMIATED89 » Sun Jun 30, 2024 7:14 am

IS this change incoming or delayed for months and months down the line?
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Re: Ipoker "rake/hand" errors

Postby Flag_Hippo » Sun Jun 30, 2024 3:10 pm

I don't have any timescale for that and this would need information added to the hand histories by iPoker which isn't something we have control over.
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Re: Ipoker "rake/hand" errors

Postby DOMIATED89 » Thu Aug 01, 2024 11:02 am

How can i edit the hand history manually to make the rake valid?

I have coding software (notepad+), but see no reference to rake...

Below is an example hand history (with an error), with key info bolded:

<game gamecode="10875685983"><general><startdate>2024-08-01 10:07:52</startdate>
<players><player seat="3" name="DOMINATED89" chips="€5.86" dealer="0" win="€0" bet="€0" muck="1"/>
<player seat="5" name="PhilIvey24834" chips="€4.74" dealer="0" win="€0" bet="€0" muck="1"/>
<player seat="6" name="PokerstarsFailed" chips="€5.37" dealer="0" win="€0" bet="€1.18" muck="1"/>
<player seat="8" name="Ferrous322" chips="€4.06" dealer="1" win="€0" bet="€0.32" muck="1"/>
<player seat="10" name="sicjoker1" chips="€4" dealer="0" win="€0" bet="€0.02" muck="1"/>
<player seat="1" name="pantherorchid32" chips="€2.26" dealer="0" win="€1.08" bet="€1.18" muck="0"/>
<round no="0"><action no="1" player="sicjoker1" type="1" sum="€0.02"/>
<action no="2" player="pantherorchid32" type="2" sum="€0.04"/>
<round no="1"><cards type="Pocket" player="PhilIvey24834">X X</cards>
<cards type="Pocket" player="PokerstarsFailed">CJ SJ</cards>
<cards type="Pocket" player="Ferrous322">X X</cards>
<cards type="Pocket" player="sicjoker1">X X</cards>
<cards type="Pocket" player="DOMINATED89">C5 DJ</cards>
<cards type="Pocket" player="pantherorchid32">DA HQ</cards>
<action no="3" player="DOMINATED89" type="0" sum="€0"/>
<action no="4" player="PhilIvey24834" type="0" sum="€0"/>
<action no="5" player="PokerstarsFailed" type="23" sum="€0.10"/>
<action no="6" player="Ferrous322" type="23" sum="€0.32"/>
<action no="7" player="sicjoker1" type="0" sum="€0"/>
<action no="8" player="pantherorchid32" type="3" sum="€0.28"/>
<action no="9" player="PokerstarsFailed" type="23" sum="€0.82"/>
<action no="10" player="Ferrous322" type="0" sum="€0"/>
<action no="11" player="pantherorchid32" type="7" sum="€0.86"/>
<action no="12" player="PokerstarsFailed" type="3" sum="€0.36"/>
<round no="2"><cards type="Flop">D8 C10 CK</cards>
<round no="3"><cards type="Turn">C6</cards>
<round no="4"><cards type="River">DQ</cards>

My observations are:

1) pantherorchid32 "win 1.08" seems low...the pot size was 2.80.
2) No player appears to be all-in, i think this was checked down.
3) There is no reference to rake. So how does pokertracker know there is a rake error?
4) I tried modifying "pantherorchid32 "win 2.80" ", but still got a hand error when i tried to import.

Any information on this would be helpful.
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Re: Ipoker "rake/hand" errors

Postby Flag_Hippo » Thu Aug 01, 2024 12:22 pm

If you attach the original hand history file to a Support Ticket we can take a look at that.
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Re: Ipoker "rake/hand" errors

Postby DOMIATED89 » Thu Aug 01, 2024 2:58 pm

Don't worry, i downloaded a free opensource software (h2n) for IPoker hands. They managed to import all hands...

I obviously will still be using PokerTracker as H2N is not as detailed, but i'm disappointing a big player like PT can't enable basic hand importing...

Like, a rake miss calculation shouldn't mean a hand can not be imported... More so, from what i have seen myself there is nothing in the hand history files that limits the ability to have hands imported...

It would be better if hands with "errors" were treated as normal hands, rather than being discarded.

The issue is clearly how PokerTracker calculated rake on Ipoker...aka someone in your tech team coded a rule.

I dont know...but it's amaxing that just from today: PT imported 900 hands succesfully, while an OpenSource (free) alternative imported EVERY SINGLE HAND.

This tells me the issue is not the limitations of an Ipoker hand history itself, but something programmed by PokerTracker. There is not missing information in the hand history, i know this because i have been through every error hand with the intention of recoding the "rake" to replicate a normal hand, but their is not rake information... Just some basic math "Bets - ?? = Amount won"

So if PokerTracker has coded something, all you need to code is "Pot size - 5% (rounded to nearest two decimal) = amount won"

Now if someone has used a "cash-ut" feature that PokerTRacker doesn't support", the hand can still be imported as a normal hand (Even if anyone using cashout will have inaccurate resusults. But instead...people that don't use cashout, cant even import the hand and have stat discrepancys, that ver larger samples make the HUD inaccurate....
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Re: Ipoker "rake/hand" errors

Postby APerfect10 » Tue Aug 06, 2024 7:37 am

Don't worry, i downloaded a free opensource software (h2n) for IPoker hands. They managed to import all hands...

  1. We are only away of iPoker hands not calculating rake when someone cashes out which is not possible for us to calculate accurately. If you have non-cashout hands where the rake is not being calculated correctly then please submit them to us and we'll get the issue resolved. However, currently all of our tests are passing.
  2. We have been working very closely with iPoker and have convinced them to start adding rake to their hand histories. This should be out very soon at which point there will be rake for all iPoker hands and be accurate.
  3. H2N is NOT open source. In fact, it's precisely the opposite. They are a large company which has purchased 2+2. How do you think they are making their money? What's the saying, if you aren't paying for the product then you are the product? I would be very concerned with what data they are collecting from you and sharing/selling.
  4. PokerTracker only collects the minimal amount of information which is required to run and license the software. Furthermore, we do not sell any of your information (which we do not even collect or have to sell). Your privacy and security are our number 1 priority and we have 20+ years of history to support that.
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