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Manual Import: Can we get directory/sub-directory support?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 5:04 am
by tarix
I would love if there were a way to import 100s of files at once into PT2 without using the "generic auto-import". My main reasons for wanting this are:
1) Auto-import seems to have import errors that don't show up during manual import :?:
2) Auto-import has no status information so I can't guess how long it will take.
3) Auto-import seems to be slower, but that might just be related to #2. ;)

I'm finding myself doing a lot of new databases, mass imports, and stuff due to PT3 being released. Trying to keep them synchronized during the transition period has turned into a bit of a part-time job.

Re: Manual Import: Can we get directory/sub-directory support?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:54 am
by ptrack pat
1 and 3) I don't see how that is possible, they both call the same sections of code.

You should use the site specific auto-import windows to import lots of hands anyway. That should be faster than the generic window.

Re: Manual Import: Can we get directory/sub-directory support?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:34 am
by tarix
ptrack pat wrote:1 and 3) I don't see how that is possible, they both call the same sections of code.

Okay, I'll try and track down #1. I'm getting errors when importing "fresh" hand histories and exported ones, but I haven't taken the time to figure out if the errors are valid or not. (ie. Partial hand histories, etc.)

ptrack pat wrote:You should use the site specific auto-import windows to import lots of hands anyway. That should be faster than the generic window.

Is it okay if there are hands from another site in the directory? Or should I separate my directories by site first?

Re: Manual Import: Can we get directory/sub-directory support?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:26 am
by ptrack pat
As long as they are all from the same "network" it's ok. So for example, if you are importing iPoker hands, even if you play at a bunch of different iPoker sites, all of the hands from these sites get imported the exact same way so they can all be imported using the iPoker auto-import window.

Re: Manual Import: Can we get directory/sub-directory support?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 6:56 am
by tarix
Got it! I'll just put each site in it's own directory then. I'm guessing this will solve my import errors as well.

Thanks for the help!
