My apologies for the inconvenience. There was another release just now that may have resolved this. If not please, create a support ticket with logs so that they can be analyzed and the root cause of this issue can be remedied. Logs are located in C:\Users\{WINDOWS_LOGIN}\AppData\Local\PokerTracker ...
Sorry about the recent bad version. Unfortunately it is not that simple to allow specific versions since there are often times changes in how NC and PT4 communicate which would cause older versions to stop working. We recently streamlined the pre-release testing for the Hm3 version of NC (~98% same ...
You're not saying what it is that you want or hope to see. You're not saying what the problem is with what appears in NC.PlayerOverview. It's very difficult to try and respond constructively to your posts but if you try and add a little substance to them I will try my best.
Even if you picked only the default definitions, you can still add the NC.PlayerOverview stat to your HUD. Any NC definition/stat can be added to your popups via the PT4 HUD editor and the result for any of NC definition can be viewed in NC for a single player or in aggregate. For a single player it...